General Assembly of the ECO

General Assembly of the ECO

May 31, 2024 June 1, 2024

This is the three-year General Assembly of our organization. The GA-meeting in 2021 had to be held online. We now invite to a physical GA-meeting in the city of Bodø, north of Norway.

The General Assembly meeting takes place Friday of May and Saturday of June. At the Raddison hotel, Bodø.

Delegates can can participate at the Culture program and festive dinner at the Norwegian Folk Art and Craft Association's National Assembly taking place at the same time.

NFA&CA invite delegates from ECO to participate at the rich and varied culture program which is organized in the occasion of the bi- annual National Assembly of our association.
At the National Assembly more than 100 delegates, craftspeople from regional craft groups nationwide get together in order to debate new plans, strategies, elect new board etc. And to have fun!
We are excited to host the meeting of the General Assembly of ECO in the same hotel as our National Assembly is taking place.

We offer you a two day fully culture program with excursions, consert, exhibitions, craft-market, folkdress parade and the formal festive dinner. Dress code at our dinner Saturday night is folk costume/traditional costume, but of course you are mostly welcome dressed differently. But we are of course very happy to see your folk costume or traditional costume. We will dress for the parade going to the church concert and for the following dinner. Almost all delegates are wearing their traditional costumes so you will have the chance to se a broad variations of costumes from Norway.

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